Friday, May 1, 2009

Perfumed Quotes: Jean de Bouffleurs

"Pleasure is the flower that passes; remembrance, the lasting perfume"
-Jean de Bouffleurs


Anonymous said...

Very nice!!!

Divina said...

Heeey Dimitris :) Isn't it beautiful? It always makes me think and contemplate...

Perfumeshrine said...

Hi D!! How are you?
The quote is lovely of course and if interested in more Michelyn Camen has been amassing a ton of those on her own page for a while, you should bookmark them!

Divina said...

Ah, but that would be like cheating wouldn't it? :) I would prefer to amass my own little selection as I find it... I just earmark books and magazines when I see a quote that grabs me. I was such a romantic as a teenager, all my books had passages underlined and I kept a scrapbbok of the most beautiful ones. I still do it sometimes, but not with the same sense of purpose I did when I was in highschool :)

Perfumeshrine said...

Well, I meant you can always read them from her page, if not necessarily post them as such. :-)
How romantic that you underlined books, I did the same when at that age (OK, sometimes I still do!) and it seems like dreamy types do that a lot. Funny, isn't it?

Cult Diva said...

So glad to have come across your blog! I am posting this morning about perfume and in doing research found your site. Will add you to my blog roll.