Monday, September 14, 2009

Comments & Emails, BACK SOON!

One of the greatest pleasures this blog gives me, is the ability to come together and communicate with all you wonderful readers, either through the comments or through email. Well, the beginning of this new academic year at the University continues to be rather hard to adjust to (I have to actually conduct my own research this year, write a thesis and do way too many classes at the same time). Right now I am finding my way and adjusting to the new schedule. It is quite stressful and busy, so I have not been able to answer to your comments and I am behind with my email. Thank you so much for both your comments and emails. I read them all, but so far have not been able to respond in the last couple of weeks. Things are already settling however and I expect to be back into a rhythm soon! I wanted to let you know that even when I have not responded, I have not forgotten or neglected. I think of you and your comments and mails are always a source of excitement for me. Thank you for them and thank you for your patience and support. Now, go ahead, read the new review on Phenomene, an obscure commercially produced Turkish perfume. There is a draw for a decant of it, so know that even if I do not immediately respond, all commenters will be elligible and a winner will be announced next week!

Many kisses from me.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Dear Divina,
Please do not worry about this - I know that everyone loves your posts, and appreciates how busy you are! Thank you for taking time out to write them for us.
Some time soon I'll tell you about my awful start to the academic year, but I'm still hurting a bit at the moment (emotionally).