Since I am leaving for my Christmas holidays this Sunday, this is the last post for the year 2007! I want to take the chance to wish you all, my wonderful, wonderful readers, to have beautiful holidays and a Happy New Year! Most importantly, I wish that all of us, together with our loved ones, enjoy good health this coming year. I will be back on the 3rd of January, to greet 2008 with you. Let’s make this coming new year fragrantly special, with even more reviews, even more samples, enjoyable features and many smelly facts! I decided to dedicate this post to the love of my life, darling P. Even though he is not really that interested in perfume, he loyally reads my blog (loving the Smelly Facts most of all), comments on my writing, offers his skin willingly whenever I wish to see how something works with male chemistry, and obediently sniffs everything I put under his nose, even when he is bored as hell. To my amazement, he is growing fonder and fonder of these little sniffing sessions and his comments are becoming more sophisticated every day. So please indulge me and allow me to close this fragrant year with a few of his comments on perfume, comments that amazed me and made me laugh at the same time. I hope you find them as delightful (and funny) as I did!
“It smells like gold.” (enter shocked looked from moi) “No really, I smell it and I visualize gold...pure luxury. It’s sooooo lovely!”
- Darling P. on Shalimar
“Oh my god! It smells so strange...and sexy at the same time! ...You know what this smells like? It smells like a zoo enclosure! Like when you walk in front of the enclosure, and you know that somewhere in the back, there is some poo? You can’t see it, but you know it’s there, nevertheless. It’s sort of bad...but I like it! I like it a lot, actually! Yes, it’s the zoo...”
- D.P. on my own blend of Dawn Spencer Hurwitz’s Ancient Air, Egyptian Musk and Civet. (yeah, I seriously have to make a big decant of the stuff)
Me: “I can’t smell this! I can’t smell it at all!” (frustrated) “Can YOU smell it?”
D.P: “Mmm...no... I can’t smell a thing. Wait.. very faintly - it’s slightly soapy.”
Me: (even more frustrated) “Yes, I smell something faint as well, but I can’t even tell if it’s my own skin or not!!”
And then came the shock:
DP: “Give it back!” (sniffing my arm wildly) “I can’t smell anything...but I want to roll around in it! It has something.. I want to be covered with the stuff!”
- D.P. on Dawn Spencer Hurwitz’s Ambergris 7
And I say again... What?
May your holidays be filled with love!
Image: Flickr, originally uploaded by The Wandering Angel
Have a wonderful holiday and an even better 2008!
Enjoy your time off. Happy Holidays and best wishes for the upcoming year.
Blessings to you,meisje !
Priceles entry! Love it and Happy Holidays!
Sorry for the typo. I meant priceless, of course. :-)
Thank you so much Greeneyes! They certainly were happy! Wish the reality I came back to was just as good - lol! Exam time for me...
My dear Tom, I wish you a wonderful 2008 as well! With even more rants and even more perfumed discoveries!
Gaia, dearest, 2008 will have me coming back to you for beauty guidance! Keep up the wonderful, trully entertaining work!
Big big hugs to you, Chaya, dearest! I hope 2008 treats you as deliciously as your luscious, exuberant self deserves!
*hugs T* Hehe, yeah, I do not know if it was that interesting for everyone, but *I* certainly find it priceless! Here's to more great feature ideas! Love you, girl!
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